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4 Ways to Increase Email Opt In

An email campaign is only as good as its list. A good list consists of emails from people who opted to be on that list because they have an interest in a product, service or field. These are the people who open and read a company’s email. An unopened email is worse than an unsent email as people may see it as spam and begin to associate that company with junk mail.

The most opened email is an expected email. Knowing this is to know the importance of garnering emails in an authentic way. There are many ways to do this and build trust among clients and potential clients.

Engage on Social Media

Engagement does not mean posting advertisements or hard sales pitches. It does not mean posting memes or cute cat pics.

It means adding value through authentic conversation. Companies should engage with their followers by reaching out to them for feedback, responding to post comments and posting content that is helpful.

When users start to see a company’s content as valuable, they will want to seek out ways to have more access to that content.

BAM---email list!

Building an online presence will allow companies to get more opt in email addresses.

To do this:

  • Make posts that entices users to sign up for newsletters or video content

  • When engaging with a potential customer on social, direct message them asking them for their email so you can send further information to them

  • Post lead generators

Lead Generators

People love free stuff. People really love free stuff that is helpful to them. Give people free stuff in exchange for their email. It does not have to cost money. It can be an article or video with helpful tips. They can subscribe to a newsletter.

Companies can use their websites and social media pages to advertise these giveaways. When interested consumers click to get their freebie they are prompted to enter their email. Once they do this, they get access to whatever it was they wanted.

Companies know this email is a potential customer because they were already interested in a related product. And when this potential customer sees the company in their inbox later on, they will know what to expect. So make sure that giveaway is valuable and reflective of what is to come in the future.

Create a blog

The internet is filled with articles. People Google for information all of the time. Many companies have become the go to blog for information in their industry. This means that users subscribe to their blog rather than going to Google first. This is the goal of any blog.

Having a blog is helpful in many ways. It allows businesses space to create new content frequently, driving users to the company’s website. It builds new content to post on the business's social media. It helps a company create a persona of giving.

It also helps a company capture email addresses. If a company can create a blog consumers wait for and look for, they can garner email addresses from that blog.

Gated Content

This is for companies that have a good following on their blog. Gated Content is partial access to a video or article, but to finish it viewers/readers have to enter their email.

There are many ways to get emails of people who want to be contacted.

Buying email lists is a strong NO!

In today’s marketing, customers want authentic relationships. They are looking for companies they can trust. Sneaking into their inbox does not create trust.


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