You might have guessed by its name that evergreen content refers to content that never gets old. Like the trees it is named after, evergreen content is always fresh.
Why Should You Strive For Evergreen Content?
Creating content is hard. The reason we create content is to attract the attention of potential customers. Everyone has felt the joy of creating content that gets a ton of likes and shares. It feels good. While there is nothing wrong with that content being topical and only relevant for a day or so, wouldn’t it be better if that content continued to be liked and shared for a much longer time? That is the benefit of evergreen content. You created it once and it continues to grow in likes and shares, thus consistently driving traffic.
Tips for Identifying Evergreen Content
Like we said above, evergreen content will be relevant for a long time. It will not be an article or post about a current event or trend. It will be something that years down the road people are still searching for.
To generate that kind of content look to:
FAQ- if there is a question that people ask you all the time, the answer to that question is fodder for an evergreen article.
How-tos are great topics for evergreen content
Tips for Writing Evergreen Content
Find the right keywords. You need to make sure your keywords are words that are being used by searchers and you need to make sure those words appear on your landing page. For smaller companies, it is important to use longtail keywords. If your small business sells candles, it is unlikely that your website is going to come up in a search for candles. But maybe you specialize in earth-scented candles. A possible longtail keyword would be: hand-made-soy-candles-natural-earth-scents.
Improve your SEO. To do this, add alt-text to images, use the keywords on your website and make sure it shows up in the URL.
Write for beginners (unless you have a good reason not to). Websites and blogs should be readable and accessible for everyone.
Once you have created great evergreen content, don’t just post it to your blog and forget it. Share it via social media and not just once. If it is truly evergreen, you can share this throughout the calendar.
On your website, you can also pin this content rather than only having it on the blog page.
If you are sending a newsletter (and hopefully you are), this is another great place for evergreen content.
Lastly, by attention to any changes that may be made to that content. While evergreen content is not topical and should not go out of date, we all know research and best practices change. If that happens, update that content immediately so the value is still there.