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Virtual Classrooms and Why Your Business Needs them NOW

I do not even want to write what I am about to write because we say it over and over again but-- video is the most engaged with content out there. We will probably continue to say it over and over.

So as you, your employees and your customers are home, why not engage them with video.

And not just video-- virtual classes!

Stop and think about how much your salespeople or customer service team teach your customers. Their daily interactions are based on the idea that your employees are the experts and your customers are there to learn and gain the best knowledge.

Don’t let that dynamic change.

Even if your doors are shut, you can still communicate, engage and teach your customers.

Here are some of the lessons I miss from my daily interactions

  • My bartender telling me about the latest beer and brewery on tap

  • Talking to a salesperson in the clothing store to find the right fit of jeans for me

  • Checking out the latest at the camera shop

The list could go on, but if these purveyors were to create videos talking to me about this, I would watch!

The great thing about this is it could be a series of short videos released on a regular basis.

And they could add surveys asking me and others what we are interested in learning about. Then the creation of these videos would be based on data and not hunches; thus, truly an interaction.

Then these videos can be cataloged on your website and social media platforms and made searchable. Your customers will know you are the go to place for knowledge and maybe even entertainment. They may share a video with a friend and now you have gained a new customer

And once you know what your clients and customers want, you can launch a full online course if you really wanted to.

Tips for making a good video or class

Video. You can also take a look at a past blog regarding videos.

  • Prepare a script

  • Remember like a story there should be an introduction, rising action and a resolution

  • Multimedia-- can you incorporate music, banner text and cutaways. Dynamic is better

  • Make sure the video you create can be viewed on all platforms and devices

Even as the country begins to slowly open up, it will not POP right back where we left off. Large gatherings will take some time to reestablish themselves. But people will still want activities they can do with a group of friends or to meet new people.

And by now, nearly everyone has figured out how to conduct professional and social business over Zoom and other formats, so an online cooking class hosted by a kitchen store I buy my pots from or a mask making class hosted by the local art center or a home beer making class hosted by the local bar sounds fun and exciting!

Online Course

Here is what you need to know to create a great online class!

  • Like any good lesson, there needs to be an objective

  • Scope and Sequence is a term used in education. This is where you map out what the course will consist of. It is a skeleton document that shows how content builds on itself.

  • Include a space where you can address prior knowledge of those taking the course. You can do this through a small quiz/survey

  • A good teacher presents information then models how it is put into practice or what she wants her students to be able to master

  • After modeling, students are given a guided practice

  • And then they are set off to practice independently

  • Then the test!

  • Which is used to assess how the content was absorbed thus informing the teacher what needs to be retaught.

There are many platforms available for businesses to create their own classes with the option to charge tuition.

No doubt this is time consuming, but there are people who can help you. Consider a marketing firm. They understand how to assess markets and build engaging content!


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